Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 2 of the new diet

My husband and I have been on this diet for a full week now.  He has cheated by snacking and drinking and he’s lost 7 pounds.  I have stuck to the diet, worked out, and still haven’t lost anything yet.  I’m getting very frustrated.
My husband loves the food.  I have not been that impressed with it.  But, it’s diet food, so I didn’t expect too much with it.
So, what do I do?  Do I keep with this diet and hope that I start to lose weight? Or do I try something new? If I move on, what do I move on to?
On a different topic, my cute 20-month-old daughter is fast approaching the terrible twos.  I can always tell when she’s tired or hungry, because she will cry over every little thing.  She can go from playing and being cute one second to total meltdown in an instant.  She knows what she wants and how she wants it, and she’s not afraid to tell you.  So, I’m trying to figure out how to get her to listen and do what she’s told.
Today, she had made a mess with her toys and had blocks and grocery carts and things all over the floor. I asked her to pick up her blocks and put them back in the wagon.  She proceeded to play with other toys.  I told her that I was going to count to five and if she hadn’t started picking up her toys by the time I reached five, then I was going to put Woody away (one of her favorite toys).  I counted to five (she actually sped me along) and when I got to five, I grabbed Woody and carried him away.  She started to cry as expected.  I told her that she needed to pick up her blocks and if she was good the rest of the night she would get Woody back.  She cried louder and harder.  I told her that she needed to pick up her blocks, and I was going to count again, and if I got to five, then Jessy was going to join Woody. She cried harder as I counted, and she walked over and picked up Jessy and started to pick up her blocks.
This evening we had a talk about it.  I told her that if she was a good girl all day tomorrow, she could have Woody back.  I think she understood, but I hate the fight.
Sometimes we try time-out. But that doesn’t work too well.  I threaten time-out and sometimes she stops doing what she’s not supposed to be, but most of the time, she just keeps doing it. Ugh!
On a high note, Jade can sing pat-a-cake the entire way through!  She is sooo cute and she is talking so well!  I am the proudest Mom in the world!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Very difficult week

This has been one of the roughest weeks of my life.  Luckily, I have the greatest husband and daughter in the entire world. But, with all the physical and emotional pain that I have been experiencing, my husband and I decided that it was time to try out a new diet.  So, let’s take a difficult week and make it worse.
We’re doing the Sonoma Diet, which is kind of neat.  My husband likes it because it is California/Mediterranean style food and because after the first 10 days, it includes a glass of wine with dinner.  Anyone who has dieted before knows that drinking on a diet is normally a big no-no, since wine slows your metabolism, but not this one, so he picked it.
We’ve been on it for a day and a half now and the food has been pretty good.  It’s killing me all of the cooking I have to do, and I’m always hungry, but it’s a diet. That’s the way it is supposed to be.  I just need to figure out how to change around the foods so that I’m not cooking morning, noon, and night.  And, so I can use the leftovers, instead of letting them rot in the refrigerator.
The bad news of this diet is that my husband has already lost 4 pounds, and I’ve gained 4 pounds.  Tell me how that’s fair!!!
My daughter is amazing through everything, though.  She finally has a table and chairs to sit at and so she throws tea parties all day now.  Her vocabulary continues to grow and grow.  She’s more and more demanding with what she wants.  She’s just perfect!  And, when I start to think about what has happened this week, I just look at her and am thankful that I am so lucky to have such a beautiful and perfect little girl.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Does anyone read this, or am I talking to myself

Well, I’ve been posting pretty regularly lately, with not a lot of responses, so I’m wondering … is anyone reading this, or am I just posting this for my own benefit and no one else’s. If you’re reading this, drop me a comment.  Tell me your here. I’d love to hear from you.
Ok, enough of me being selfish, and on to what’s going on this week.
I made a whole chicken in the crock pot today.  I followed a recipe that the person who posted it said it was the best, juiciest chicken they’d ever made.  Well, it wasn’t when I made it.  It was tasteless and dry.  I can not do anything in the crock pot that I like.  I know that many people swear by the thing, but everything that I put in there comes out terrible.  Ok, that’s not right.  I made a white chili that was pretty good, and my husband loves the double corn chowder.  But, really, everything else is terrible.  But, I’m not giving up.  I will conquer you, crock pot!!!
But, on an up note, I’ve made a couple of side dishes that were pretty good.  Yesterday, it was mashed sweet potatoes.  I used a simple pumpkin pie seasoning and cream cheese to add some yummy flavor to it.  The creamy vegetables that went with it weren’t that good, in my opinion, but my daughter ate them up, and for leftovers, so they are a hit to me.  Tonight I made a hash brown and veggie casserole that my husband really liked.  This is a big surprise, because he usually disapproves of my casseroles, but this time he said it was good.  And, it was easy too.  I just took a bag of refrigerated hash browns (they were BOGO at Publix) and mixed in cheese, cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, onions, butter, and the Japanese Blend veggies.  Sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake for 40 minutes on 350.  If you took a bite of this with the dry chicken, it wasn’t too bad ;-)
So, what’s coming up now?  Who knows.  I’m cooking 2 meals for a friend who just had a baby.  And, my husband has soccer 4 times in the next week (well, only 3 if he loses on Thursday), so we’re going to be alone a bunch in the next week.  I’m guessing we’re going to make a big casserole and just eat leftovers for days, because I hate cooking for just me and Jade.
Jade is still amazing. She’s talking all the time and still narrates my days.  I love to hear her speak.  I can’t wait to hear what she says next.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Busy and I miss my sister

Well, my husband took an extra long weekend for Labor Day, and his father came down for a visit, so we were very busy all weekend long.  We had a barbecue at the house on Saturday with his grandparents, dad, uncle, and some other people.  Sunday, we visited with family all day. And Monday we went shopping.
My sister had a baby 2 months ago.  She went back to work 3 weeks ago.  I’ve been trying to get her on the phone for over 3 weeks now, and she’s just too busy.  I know having 3 kids and a job will do that to you, but I miss her and really would like to talk to her, and not just message back and forth on Facebook and text messages.  I’m hoping that some day soon she will find some time to answer my phone call.
So, what have I been cooking lately?  Well, tonight, I made homemade pizzas (my husband made the dough over the weekend).  This past weekend, I made a macaroni and cheese casserole for the barbecue (it was an old fashioned macaroni and cheese with turkey and mixed vegetables added to it).   Plus, I have been making more than just oatmeal for breakfast every day.  French toast, egg scrambles, pancakes, and more.
My daughter is more amazing every day, just sponging up everything around her.  Today, she walked down the entire flight of stairs at Ikea, standing up holding the handrail.  In the past, every time she went down stairs, she would sit down to get down.  I am so proud of her!