Friday, August 31, 2012

I have Gestational Diabetes

Well, the title says it all. This has been one crappy week.  First, I had to switch my daughter’s schools, unexpectedly.  Then, I got the call that I failed the 3 hour test. My fasting numbers were normal, but my 1-3 hour numbers were 212, 207, and 154. I am one big emotional wreck.
So, first the story about my daughter’s school. Well, she’s 2 and since she turned 2, she’s been going to a Mom’s Day Out program that we love.  But, this year, because their enrollment is down, they were putting the 2 year olds with the 1 year olds. Jade needs older kids to thrive. She acts like those she’s around the most, and with the baby coming, I can’t have her acting like a baby. So, this year, she will be attending St. Mary’s Preschool.  It’s a great school, and it is where we were going to send her next year, but I guess we needed to go a year early. The big deal is that I hated leaving my friend, who runs the MDO program, and I wasn’t ready to spend the extra money.
Then, I found out I had gestational diabetes.  My doctor has referred me to the Maternal Fetal Medicine department at Winnie Palmer Hospital. I’m now just waiting for them to call me to set up my appointment.  I wish they would just call me so I can get moving on this and figure out what’s going on. I’m scared that I might need insulin to control my sugars, since I feel awful when I just have the smallest amount of carbohydrates.
Talk about an emotional week.

Monday, August 20, 2012

It’s a boy!

Can you believe it?! We’re having a boy!  I am so freaked out!
Well, we went to have an ultrasound and talk with the high risk doctor at 16 weeks, and we got lucky.  Our little bundle cooperated and we found out early what we’re having. It was very exciting.
I’m a little nervous.  Tomorrow, I’m going in for my 1-hour screening for gestational diabetes. We’re doing it early because I’ve been having issues with blacking/passing out after I eat some times.  It’s scary, but I kind of hope that it comes back positive.  Then, at least I’ll know what is causing it, and I can get it under control.
Jade is doing awesome! She sings. She dances. She asks hundreds of questions a day.  She sits down with books and reads them to me.  She can identify every letter already, at 2 1/2!!!
And, I’ve started getting a little crafty.  I’m making matching outfits for Jade and her cousins for when they come to visit this fall.  Each girl is getting a tutu (red, white, and black … for Minnie Mouse), and then each cousin, including Anderson, will get a shirt with their name and a Mickey head on it.  So far, I have 2 tutus done, and 2 of the screens ready to be printed for the shirts.
So, since we got back from vacation, I’ve been busy.  Between blacking/passing out, and playing and having fun with Jade, I’m trying to be crafty.
And, Thursday is Jeremy’s birthday. So, for anyone who reads this and knows my husband, wish him a happy birthday this week!