Friday, October 18, 2013

We’re moving on!

Yee-haw! The Breidings are moving to Texas!
Jeremy has accepted a very good offer with Rackspace and we’re moving to San Antonio, TX in 1 month!  It’s exciting!  It’s scary!  There is so much to do and so little time to do it in!  And, I feel like nothing is in my control right now!
So, I’m cooking a lot!  And, I’m going to Disney a lot!
More details to come as I find out more.  If anyone has any tips on places to live, pediatricians, preschools, etc., in San Antonio, send them my way, please!

Monday, October 7, 2013

I’m waiting on a decision for our future

So, when last we spoke, we had just gone out to Washington for an interview.  Now, here we are 3 weeks later, and Jeremy is in Texas for another interview.  What will our future hold?  Where will we be next year at this time?  Who knows.
Jeremy really had his heart set on Washington, but so far, they have not made him an offer, so it is not looking too good. While waiting for that to come through, he has continued to pursue other options, including one at his current company, and one in San Antonio, TX.  This is ironic because about a week before we went to Washington, I bought Jade 3 pairs of shoes, a pair of rain boots, a pair of flip flops, and a pair of cowgirl boots.
So, here we are with three jobs on  the table (or around the table, since we have no offers yet): One in Washington (rain boots), one in Orlando (flip flops),and one in Texas (cowgirl boots).
For my husband’s ego’s sake, I’m hoping that by the end of this week we have a decision to make.  I’m hoping that he will have at least 2 (hopefully 3) offers on the table to decide from.  Will we take flip flops and stay where we are at?  Will we take cowgirl boots and move to Texas?  Will we take rain boots and move to Washington?
I know that if all three were on the table, my husband would prefer Washington for MANY reasons.  Sadly, I think that one is the least likely of the three to be on the table.  If he had to choose between Orlando and Texas, I’m not sure what he would prefer, though.
But, this isn’t a blog about what my husband wants and thinks, is it?  It’s about me and my thoughts.  What are my thoughts?
Well, politically and educationally, Washington would be the better place for us.  Weather and health-wise, Orlando is the better place for me, although I think Jade and Jeremy would do better in Washington due to their seasonal allergies.  The idea of going somewhere where it is cold, again, does not sound fun to me, but I like the idea of going some place new and starting OUR life together.
Here in Orlando, we live in the house my husband bought with his ex-wife.  We are surrounded by his family and friends. He has lived his entire life here.  I was just fit in and made to adapt, which I do very well.  The plus-side to Orlando is that we have family, if we need them, and Jade can see her great-grandparents all the time (which is really cool).  Also, we have Disney, and I can load the kids up and go there whenever I want, which I’ve done twice this month already.
But, in Texas or Washington, we would be starting new as our own family.  I would get a say in where we live.  We would be doing everything new and together, not based around his old life.
It’s exciting and scary.  I’m hoping we have something more to talk about next week, with actual offers on the table. Send him good vibes and wish us luck!