Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Prepping for Fresh March

So, we've been eating fairly well for quite a while, but we wanted to do something a little different, a little better.  So, I invented Fresh March.  During the month of March, my family is going to eat only fresh, clean foods.  Nothing processed, nothing boxed, nothing canned, all homemade.

So, here are the rules that we're going to be following.  Everything must be made from fresh ingredients, nothing can be store-bought. Breads, pastas, etc. will be all made in my house.  We will not be making anything with added sugar.  Everything will be made from fresh or frozen vegetables.  Meats will be just meat with no added fillers.  Dairy products will be just that, no added sugars or preservatives.

I am allowing my family 1 weekly dinner out, but it can't be at a dirty chain. It must be at a place that cooks everything in-house.

So, I'm making the kids snacks (granola bars and all).  I'm making the breads for their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (oh and I'm making the peanut butter and the fruit spread too). All ingredients in our dinners will be all "clean".

I'll keep you posted throughout the month.  The key things will be my sanity and how I will be able to do the extra work to keep this up.  The next key will be how we feel.  Does all the extra work make us feel better?  And the final key thing will be how much does this cost?  Is buying and make from scratch cheaper or more expensive?  Wish me luck!!!