Saturday, July 16, 2011

My daughter amazes me

So, my daughter will be 18 months old next week.  She amazes me every day with the things that she can do.  She also amazes me at how much of a stinker she can be.  She hates having her hair done, so when I put her hair up in a rubber band, she takes it out and looks at me with a smile.  When she sees that I see her, she puts the rubber band in her mouth and takes off running, giggling the whole way.  See what I mean by stinker.
Today I made rib-eye steaks (seasoned with only salt, pepper, and olive oil and seared and cooked in a 500 degree oven), potato wedges (seasoned with garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, and olive oil), and sauteed asparagus (with butter and Adobo seasoning) for dinner.  This was tough, since my daughter became very needy this afternoon.  So, between cutting the potatoes, flipping the steaks, etc., I had to run into the living room and read a book.  We went through 7 books while cooking tonight (Note: she demands each book be read twice).  And, well, the steaks were a bit more done than I had wanted them to be.  But, the asparagus turned out just how Jeremy likes them, so at least something was good.
She’s counting … at 18 months, she can count to 10.  I asked her how many blueberries she wanted today, and she said “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 … Yea!!!” At swim lessons, she says “1, 2, 3″ and she puts her face under water and starts kicking.
What’s next? My husband wants me to teach her the alphabet. I want her to learn her colors. But, who knows what she’s going to pick up next. She’s amazing!

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