Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spend-free month update

So, a few months back, my husband and I decided that September was going to be spend-free month. What does this mean?  We still pay all of our bills and buy gifts for birthdays and such, but we don’t buy anything extra.  That includes no eating out, no spending on frivolous items. We only buy what we need to get buy.
So, we are almost half-way through the month.  How are we doing?
We have not eaten out at all.  Well, that’s not true.  My husband is allowed 1 lunch out a week with his friend at work.
I had to buy school supplies for my daughter’s school (since I didn’t get the list until September already started).  That was expensive.
I haven’t been doing so well at the grocery store.  I spent $160 the first week and $120 the second week.  I allotted myself $450 to spend on groceries, and it is going to be hard.  I will keep you posted to see how that goes.
I had to buy birthday presents and gifts for my family too.
So, all-in-all, we’re doing horribly.  But, we still have 2 weeks left.  I hope I can stick to what I’ve been doing well so far. And, I hope I can do better with the extras.

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