Friday, September 6, 2013

Can anyone really like me?

I’ve spent much of my life wanting a friend, someone who likes me, and wants to spend time with me for no reason other than to spend time with me. But, people have never liked me enough to get close.
I’ve had a lot of male friends through my life.  Of course, most of them ended up not really being friends.  They all wanted something more, well all except for one, who unfortunately lives in a different state.
Of course, there is my husband.  He is my best friend.  He loves me for me.  He wants to spend time with me before anyone else.  But, everyone needs someone to complain about their husband to, right?
Women, on the other hand, never even pretend to like me.  Sure, they’ll be slightly friendly to my face, but then most will talk about me behind my back.  Some will even pretend to like me when I’m around them, but would never even think about calling me to hang out.  I just want to be called every now and then.
Then, I moved to Central Florida.  I met a wonderful group of ladies when I worked at Publix.  They invited me to parties and asked me to hang out every now and then.  None of them ever called me to talk, or wanted to hang out, just to hang out.  But, it was closer to having a friend than I had ever had.
Then, I became a Mom and I found MOMS Club.  I met a bunch of wonderful ladies.  Then, they started moving away, one by one.  I was about to give up on the idea of having a friend, when a new group of moms joined the club.
I think I have friends now. There is a group of ladies who invite me to things, to hang out now and then.  Some will call to do something for no reason other than to hang out with me and my family.  Their kids like my kids.  My kids like their kids.
I know I’m not their first choice.  I know sometimes they call each other to do things and don’t include me. But, they do call me sometimes, and that is more than I ever had before.  Sure, it makes me sad that none of them would consider me a best friend, but I have more than I ever had before, so I will not dwell on it and take what I can get.

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