Thursday, November 7, 2013

Craziness of Moving

I can’t believe that in 2 weeks we will be on the road headed to our new home.  I never envisioned myself a Texan, but in 2 weeks, that is just what I will be.  Wow! I’m excited! I’m nervous!  I’m freaking out!
There is so much to do  to get ready.  We’re trying to sell things that we don’t want or need before we move, which is a pain.  We’re trying to organize.  Plus, I’m trying to keep life as normal as possible so that the kids don’t freak out too much.
Sadly, I think I’m failing, because Maxwell is clinging to me, so I think he knows something is up.
What’s worse is that we are just now signing a lease for a place to live today.  It was difficult finding something that we both liked and that was in our price range and that we could agree to the lease terms.  At least that stress is now behind us and we have a place secured.
Now, with less than 2 weeks left in Orlando, we are so busy!  We don’t have a free night for the next 2 weeks!  It’s just crazy!  How am I supposed to get anything done? How am I supposed to get any relaxing in?  Can I cry now?
Plus, we’re moving right before the holidays. I’m worried about my hubby.  He’s never been away from here before, and for us to do this  move right before the biggest family time of the year, I’m nervous.  I hope he’ll be ok away from everyone.  I hope I can make Thanksgiving and Christmas nice enough for him.
Wish me luck! I’m going to need it!

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