Sunday, April 20, 2014

Another holiday in Texas

We’ve been in San Antonio for almost 5 months now.  We’ve celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, 3 birthdays, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and now Easter.  It’s kind of nice being alone with my perfect family, but it is a bit lonely not having any family around.
I’m loving it here, actually.  Sure, I miss Disney.  Sure, I miss our friends.  Sure, it’s tough being out here with no help.  But, Jade’s school is great!  She is learning so much.  There is really so much to do, that we’re busy all the time.  I like a lot of the nice people that we’ve met.  We’re making some good friends.
I really wish Jeremy were happier.  His job is not what he expected it to be and he’s feeling stressed.  I want to see him happy, and I’m trying to figure out how to do that. I just don’t know what to do.  I know it is not my responsibility to make him happy.  I can be here for him. I can take care of him.  I can give him everything he wants, but it is up to him to make himself happy.  I just wish he could find a way to be happy.  It sucks!
So, we’re in Texas, and we’re having a great time being a perfect family of 4. Our holidays have been so fun and relaxed.  We’ve set our own pace and done our own things.  We didn’t have to rush around to make everyone else happy and meet every one else’s expectations.  We played with our kids.  We ate meals that we wanted.  We enjoyed each other!  I love it!

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