Monday, December 15, 2014

Looking Back

So, I installed Timehop a little while ago and it is making me quite emotional, happy and sad.

5 years ago this week, I was put on bedrest while pregnant with Jade.  I worked my last day in the corporate world 5 years ago.  And now, I'm preparing to go back.

4 years ago, Jade was getting ready to celebrate her first Christmas.  It was such an exciting time!

3 years ago, I just experienced my second pregnancy loss.  I lost this one at our annual trip to Hollywood Studios to see the Osbourne Lights.  Of course, this makes me sad for a couple of reasons.  The obvious, but also the fact that we are no longer in Orlando and won't be doing the annual trip to see the Osbourne lights anymore.

2 years ago, I was pregnant with Maxwell and getting ready to meet that sweet boy.

1 year ago, we were having Maxwell's first Christmas, and we were having our first Christmas away from Orlando, in our new city, San Antonio.

That's how long I've been on Facebook, 5 years.  It has been a very scary, exciting, and terrific 5 years. We've had a bit of a bumpy road, but every bump has been worth it, getting us here to this wonderful point in our lives.  We have two beautiful children and a wonderful home.  Christmas is here and we're spending it in our new home, another exciting adventure!

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