Last year, since we had just moved, we decided to do a "special day" for her instead of a party. Yes, she loved it, but from the day after that special day, she has been planning her party. She knew who she wanted to invite and what she wanted to do. And, so it was.
She invited her entire class, plus 3 friends from her school that are in different classes. 18 kids. Every single one of them came.
We decided to hold her party at Artworks, a local art studio that she loves to go to open art at. They let you pick 10 stations to set up for the kids and they get to have fun creating whatever they want. And, they get to take it home when the party is done. Fun, huh?!
She wanted white cupcakes with blueberry filling and blue frosting. So that is what she had. She loves rainbows, so I made a fruit tray with a fruit from every color of the rainbow (strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, green grapes, blueberries, and purple grapes). And, we ordered cheese pizza.
She painted a beautiful portrait in the free paint station and she painted a completely black picture. Then, the opened the play dough room. She spent the rest of the part rolling out the dough and cutting them into cookie shapes for all her friends.
She had a blast, and I think every one else did too.