Saturday, January 31, 2015

The completely full 5th birthday party

I have never, ever had a party where every person who was invited attends. It's just unheard of.  But, my daughter's 5th birthday party was just that.  Every single person she invited came.

Last year, since we had just moved, we decided to do a "special day" for her instead of a party.  Yes, she loved it, but from the day after that special day, she has been planning her party.  She knew who she wanted to invite and what she wanted to do.  And, so it was.

She invited her entire class, plus 3 friends from her school that are in different classes.  18 kids.  Every single one of them came.

We decided to hold her party at Artworks, a local art studio that she loves to go to open art at.  They let you pick 10 stations to set up for the kids and they get to have fun creating whatever they want.  And, they get to take it home when the party is done.  Fun, huh?!

She wanted white cupcakes with blueberry filling and blue frosting.  So that is what she had.  She loves rainbows, so I made a fruit tray with a fruit from every color of the rainbow (strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, green grapes, blueberries, and purple grapes).  And, we ordered cheese pizza.

She painted a beautiful portrait in the free paint station and she painted a completely black picture.  Then, the opened the play dough room.  She spent the rest of the part rolling out the dough and cutting them into cookie shapes for all her friends.

She had a blast, and I think every one else did too.

The canceled 2nd birthday party

I spent weeks planning for my son's 2nd birthday party. I planned.  I prepared.  I created signs and decorations and all kinds of things.  I spent hours upon hours getting ready, making cupcakes, etc.  Then, the day of the party comes, and it is 33 degrees and raining.  All of our guests, except one, cancel on the drive down, as we pass by closed roads and off-ramps.

We get down to the Children's Museum and ask what we can do to cancel, and they were great.  They offered a full refund. I highly recommend them as a birthday location.

Well, he one guest that didn't cancel was my daughter's friend.  So, we stayed and let them play for a little while.  They are so cute together.  She says he is going to marry her when they get older.

So, no party.  The good news, he's only two, and so he doesn't know any better.  He had fun and got to have a cupcake after lunch, so he is perfectly happy.  He doesn't know what he missed.

So, here are pictures of what I had planned.  It was going to be so cute.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pork leftovers

so, for new years, i made pulled pork and there was tons of leftovers, so This is what I did with leftover pulled pork for a week. (In reverse order)

Pulled pork and baked beans salad

Barbecue pork and spinach flat bread

grilled cheese and pork with raw slaw

Pork tacos

Pork quesadillas

Stuffed sweet potatoes with pork, jicama, peppers, and spinach

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My workout progress

With the new year and everyone talking about making their resolutions to lose weight, I wanted to talk about my progress over the past year.

In April, I joined the YMCA and started consistently working out at least 3 times a week.  It was rough going in the beginning because Maxwell wouldn't let me work out for too long.  But I stuck with it and I am still going to workout every single week, at least 3 times each week.  Here is a picture of what I've gone through.

On 4/11, I was 199 pounds.  My last measurement day on 12/22, I was 185 pounds.  That's 14 pounds in 8 months.  Here is a chart of how my body has changed.


It has been slow going, basically only losing 1 1/2 a month, and I haven't changed clothing size yet. I'm still stuck in size 16, but I the numbers don't lie.  There is progress, even if I don't feel it.  I will keep at it (starting with a boot camp workout tomorrow).

My husband says I don't do a lot.  I'm not truly hardcore with a workout every day.  I do 1 day of just cardio. I do 1 day of body weight training. I do 1 day of a mix of the two.  But, for me, this is what I have time to do (with 2 kids and a household to take care of). I will keep it going.  I am not weak and I will reach my goals!  I hope you will too!