Monday, October 5, 2015

Let the holidays begin!

October is here.  With that comes a busy time, that doesn't stop until March!  Am I ready for it?  Sort of.

Halloween is a fun time for our family. We dress up as a family, with themed costumes.  We started when our daughter was 1. That year she was a hippo and we were zoo keepers.  The next year, she was Tinkerbell, my husband was Peter Pan (complete with tights) and I was Wendy (to cover my pregnant belly).    The following year, we were the super family (kids were superman and super girl, and my husband and I were Jor-el and Lara.  And last year the kids were batgirl and Robin, and my husband and I were the Joker and Harley Quinn.  So far, we've let my daughter pick them all.  And, this year, she picked an interesting one.  My son will be Percy Jackson. My daughter will be Calypso.  My husband will be Poseidon, and I will be Athena.

I love pumpkin patches, but I'm worried we're not going to get a chance to go to one this year.  We are going camping this month, so that takes up time we would normally be pumpkin patching.  I'm hoping I can squeeze it in somehow.

After Halloween comes Thanksgiving.  Now that we live in Texas, this is all mine again.  I don't have to run from one house to another, stressing about getting everything done and being where we need to be.  I get to cook and make a wonderful meal for my family and we get to hang out together.  I'm hoping we have company join us this year.  We're still working out the details.

After Thanksgiving comes Christmas!   I love giving gifts.  I just wish I were there to see the faces of my nieces and nephew when they open their gifts. I have so much fun watching my kids on Christmas morning.  I get to spend weeks leading up to it baking for all kinds of things!  I love baking!

Then, New Years, which we have some fun traditions.

Then, Maxwell's birthday (3 this year)! He wants a sports party.  I'm so excited!

Then, Bailey's birthday (also 3 this year)!  So, 21 in dog years, which is big!

Then, Jade's birthday (the big 6!)!  She wants an explore/spy party.  This should be fun!

Then, my birthday (the big 4-0), followed by Valentine's day and our anniversary.

So, I say, let the fun begin!  Now, if all these school fundraisers didn't have to happen in the middle of it all ;-)

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