Friday, April 6, 2018

Trying food and loving it

So, about a month ago, I decided that the poisons the doctors were giving me as medicine for RA wasn't going to cut it for me, and I am trying more natural options to see if anything will help.  I read that dairy causes inflammation, so I've cut dairy out of my diet.

So, here's where it gets worse.  I like to try out new things and write about it.  I got a coupon for free DEVOUR Buffalo Mac n Cheese.  It sounded so good. So, I bought it, knowing my family would love it while I was working late one night.

They tried it this week. And I was right. They loved it.

My husband added some microwaved broccoli to it and they all devoured it!  The added bonus that it was spicy so the kids drank all of their milk too!

I definitely recommend this one!  I just wish I could have tried it.

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