Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scheduled date

We’re scheduled!  Baby boy Breiding is going to be here on January 9, if all goes well!  I’m so excited!
This has been a rough week.  I have to go to physical therapy tomorrow because I have pregnancy-created sciatica.  It has gotten so bad that during parts of the day, I can’t even walk. I’m hoping that the physical therapy will help so that I can make it through the next 11 weeks.
We’re dog sitting for a friend this week.  The first day didn’t go well.  I think everyone was overwhelmed and no one got any rest.  Brumos barked at every noise outside, every car that drove by, every dog that barks in the neighborhood, no matter what it was outside, he barked. Luckily, Jade slept through it all.  Unfortunately, I could not.  Today was better.  In fact, the nervous dog is now calm and laying next to me on the bed as I type this.  I’m afraid he may want to sleep here all night, and I’ll get no sleep again.
We babysat for our friend this week too, a 3-year-old boy.  3 long days with 2 crazy kids.  We had lots of fun, but it was too much for this pregnant lady to handle for so long (12 hour days with sciatica).
BTW, we decided to not cut out the offending folks from last post. We’re going to stick it out and bear through the negativity and selfishness.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Emotions running wild!

Ok, so I’ve been pregnant (for the most part) for over a year now.  With 2 miscarriages and now being 26 weeks pregnant, I’ve had hormones going through my system for 14 months now.  To say I’m going crazy might be a bit of an understatement.
Is it possible to go crazy for an overdose of hormones? To think that it has been 14 months and that I still have 3 months left of this pregnancy and then a year and a half of breastfeeding after that.  Will I be able to survive this emotional roller coaster?  Why can’t people be more understanding and helpful instead of selfish?
Ok, so to give any newcomers a quick history … Last year, in August, we got pregnant (ecstatic!)  but we lost the baby in September.  We waited the recommended time after our loss and got pregnant again in November.  We lost that baby as well.  After many tests, we found a large pollup  (sp?) that was not allowing the baby to attach to the wall, and had that removed in February.  Finally, after allowing the required healing time, we got pregnant again in April. Since getting pregnant, I spent 3 1/2 months throwing up everything I could think of eating.  Then, when the morning sickness went away, when I started eating, I would pass out.  Turns out, it was gestational diabetes, and here we are, controlling, and hoping that the high blood pressure doesn’t come on like it did with my daughter.
So, as you can see, super emotional 14 months, plus, a very rough 14 months.
Now, here I am wondering how some people can be so selfish.  If someone wants to do something nice for you, why can’t it be just that?  Why does it have to have ulterior motives?  And, when someone tries to apologize for miscommunications and  misunderstandings, why do people have to get rude and start bringing in false accusations about how I am feeling?  Yes, I’ll admit I have a lot of emotions, but thinking negatively about other people is NOT on my list of things to do right now.  Honestly, if I’m not thinking positively about you, I’M NOT THINKING ABOUT YOU!  There is too much negativity in this world. Why would I waste my time having negative thoughts about anyone?!
I love my family, but I am over with the over dramatizations of everything!!! If you can’t be a positive influence in my children’s lives, I don’t want you in their lives. Period. End of story. I don’t want them surrounded by drama. I don’t want them surrounded by negative thinking. I don’t want them to see selfishness from people they are supposed to look up to.
Ok, now I’ve asked for comments and help the past couple of posts, and so far, nothing. But, I’ll keep asking.  Am I being too emotional?  Should I let these people be part of this time (when I don’t need stress and unhappiness around me) just because they are family?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How do you avoid stress?

I’m 25 weeks pregnant.  I have gestational diabetes.  I have a history of pre-eclampsia.  I have a two year old that acts like she’s four. I have a husband who has stress issues.  How can I keep my blood pressure down?
We started remodeling our bathroom a year ago.  I hired someone to do most of the work, but when it was close to being done, my husband sent him home and said he would finish the job.  Now, a year later, it still isn’t done.
I’m 25 weeks pregnant and we haven’t started getting the nursery ready.  We need to clear out the room, get new carpet, paint, get the furniture purchased and put together. Ugh!
I am having a garage sale in less than a month.  In order to try to help pay for everything, I’m trying to sell some of our old stuff (Jade’s old clothes, since we’re having a boy, my old clothes, since some of it just isn’t worth keeping, furniture, etc.).  I have to get ready for that too.
My family just spent a week and a half here, at Disney.
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are right around  the corner. Plus, Jade’s birthday is shortly after all of that.
I am the President of the MOMS Club of Orlando – Conway and my Administrative Vice President quit with no notice and now my Sunshine Coordinator has announced she’d like to step down from her position.  So, now I need to find replacements, and no one is stepping up.
I need a stress-reliever.  Any ideas?  Drinking is not an option.  Running is not an option.  I would love to cook, but I can’t eat any of it and it depresses me, so cooking is not an option.  Please, comment with ideas for me.  I could really use them! I don’t want to end up on bed rest this time!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

End of no-spend September

Well, we made it through no-spend September, and it was rough.  I learned a lot and we did ok, but not as well as expected.
1. My husband sucked at no-spend September.  He did spend a lot less than normal, but he couldn’t go a month without buying cigars.
2. I suck at spending less at grocery shopping.  I was unable to stay within our budget.  Although, I had a major change to my diet during that time, with the gestational diabetes, I couldn’t stay within budget.  I did look over all of the stuff that I bought, and couldn’t find anything that we didn’t need.
3.  We did great with not eating out. I think that trying to figure out the new Gestational Diabetes diet helped, since it is difficult to figure out a new diet when you are eating out.  But, I was very proud of my ability to cook new and different things to keep dinner exciting, for an entire month.
4. Unexpected things always come up.  That is one thing that we’ll have to take into consideration if we ever need to do this for real.  Jade’s school supplies were a lot more than I expected.  My car got a nail in its tire.  But, all-in-all, it wasn’t so bad.
Well, I’m kind of proud of myself. I’m not as disappointed in my husband as I expected it would be ;-) Yea! Go Us!