Thursday, October 4, 2012

End of no-spend September

Well, we made it through no-spend September, and it was rough.  I learned a lot and we did ok, but not as well as expected.
1. My husband sucked at no-spend September.  He did spend a lot less than normal, but he couldn’t go a month without buying cigars.
2. I suck at spending less at grocery shopping.  I was unable to stay within our budget.  Although, I had a major change to my diet during that time, with the gestational diabetes, I couldn’t stay within budget.  I did look over all of the stuff that I bought, and couldn’t find anything that we didn’t need.
3.  We did great with not eating out. I think that trying to figure out the new Gestational Diabetes diet helped, since it is difficult to figure out a new diet when you are eating out.  But, I was very proud of my ability to cook new and different things to keep dinner exciting, for an entire month.
4. Unexpected things always come up.  That is one thing that we’ll have to take into consideration if we ever need to do this for real.  Jade’s school supplies were a lot more than I expected.  My car got a nail in its tire.  But, all-in-all, it wasn’t so bad.
Well, I’m kind of proud of myself. I’m not as disappointed in my husband as I expected it would be ;-) Yea! Go Us!

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