Tuesday, April 9, 2013

3 months!

Maxwell is 3 months today.  He’s smiles at me all the time. He’s giggling when we dance.  He is amazing!
The biopsy results came in, and it said infectious colitis, but the doctor doesn’t think that it is actually what it is.  She’s convinced it is a dairy and soy allergy.  So, we’re going to stay dairy and soy free until he’s 6 months and then we’re going to try introducing it back in and see how he’s doing.  But, we’re also going back in a month with a stool sample to see if there are any microscopic traces of blood.  If there is, they will do an anemia test to make sure he is doing ok.
We also had his first trip to Disney World last weekend!  We all had a great time.  Jade rode her first roller coaster (Goofy’s Barnstormers).  She drove a car (Speedway).  She got a pirate makeover.  She was adorable and so happy, and so was I.  Maxwell had a good time, sleeping through most of it. I can’t wait to go again!

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