Sunday, May 31, 2015

Heading to Curwood

In just three days, I will be getting on an airplane with my two lovely children, heading to my hometown.  It's my father's birthday, but also, it's Curwood weekend (the annual festival of the town).  My beautiful niece is on the Princess Court and we are going to support her.

So, what is Curwood weekend?  It's a small town festival just like most other.  There are parades and carnival rides.  There are carnival games and activities.  There is carnival food and carnival people.

So, my children are going to love it.  They are going to get to ride rides and eat junk food, all with their cousins and grandparents.  What could be better than that?!

I am so proud of my niece!  She is absolutely gorgeous and so outgoing.  She is going to be so perfect representing the city.

So, I am going to put up with carny people, carny games, carny food, and flying with two small children by myself because I love my family.

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