Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I've been missing for a little while

Well, it's been over a month since my last writing.  Things have been a bit crazy around, and I just haven't found the time to sit down and write.

We had Kinder Roundup this past month.  This is NEISD's way of getting information out to parents of children who are going to be starting kindergarten next fall.  Jade had a blast, getting to meet the teachers at the school and doing a fun craft.

Then, in an effort to support to school, we attended their festival.  Now, about once a week, Jade has asked "when do I get to start at my new school."  I am not ready for her to be so grown up!!!

Then, I took my beautiful daughter on a wonderful Mommy-daughter date day.  We went to lunch on the riverwalk and to the Majestic to see Annie.  Now, she asks me, "how old do I have to be to do that?  Annie was 11, so 6 more years?"

Then, we went on a trip back to Florida to visit family.  Little Maxwell ran up to his Great-grandfathers, yelling their name in happiness. You should have seen the look on their faces. They were the two happiest men in the world!  Jade got to have some play time with her cousin and she was so happy.  And, Jeremy got some quality time with his grandfather, which was very good for the both of them.  We really miss them and were very happy to see everyone.

When we got back, we returned to field day at school, a garage sale, a trike-a-thon for school, and a nature scavenger hunt for Maxwell's playgroup.

I'm tired.  And, tomorrow, I'm going to register Jade for kindergarten.  And, the fun doesn't stop there.  Jade has her dress rehearsal on Saturday and her show is in a week and a half (which means my mother-in-law is coming to town).  I am ready for summer to be here for me to have some fun with my kids!

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