Thursday, May 24, 2012

I love my family

I have the most amazing family in the world.  My daughter is so smart and so wonderful. My husband is supportive, caring (sometimes over caring), and loving.  I am so thankful that I have both of them.
I am also very thankful for my wonderful friends. I couldn’t get by without them.  We have been having a very hard year, and they have been there for us the whole way through. They say it takes a village to raise a family, and I truly believe this. The difficult part is that my family all lives very far away, and are not here to help us out.  I have never been a person who easily asks for help from anyone, especially friends.  It’s hard for me to not do everything by myself.  But, I am learning that I have to ask for help in order for my daughter to grow up strong in this world. I can’t do it all by myself.  It’s a tough lesson to learn, but I’ve learned it.
Now, just because I know this, doesn’t mean that it’s easy for me.  I still take on too much by myself, and I still struggle every day with when I should ask for help and when it is ok for me to do it by myself. I will probably struggle with that for a very long time, but knowing that I need to ask for help is the first step. The second step comes in baby steps. Each time I get the courage to ask for help, I grow a little more.
So, to all of my friends that are out there and reading this, thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for your patience with me.  And, thank you, most of all, for everything you do for my family!

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