Monday, March 9, 2015

1 week into Fresh March

So, it's been a week, and I'm not seeing any great results yet, but it's only been a week.

First, I'm more tired, probably from all of the extra cooking I've needed to do, from making my own empanada dough, taco shells made from scratch, home made mayonnaise, home made salad dressing, and even a fresh-made cake for my daughter's school (with berries for food coloring).  So, I don't know if I have less energy from the different food or from all the extra work.  But, it's only been a week, so we'll see how the rest of the month goes.

Second, I'm hungry all the time.  I can't seem to get full.  Well, that's not true.  I get full really quickly when I eat, so I don't eat that much at the meal.  But, then 30 minutes later, I'm hungry again.  Is there something in all that extra junk added to our full that keeps us full?  Again, it's only been a week, so maybe my body just needs to adjust to the lack of extras.  We'll see how the rest of the month goes.

Third, my husband's gas has been terrible.  For the past few days, he has stunk up the house so terrible that the stink isn't going away.  It's gross beyond gross.  I'm hoping that this side affect will go away and soon, because I don't know if I can take much more of it.

So, we've eaten a lot of yummy food.  I mean it has been very tasty.  And, we're only a week into it.  I'm hoping I can keep it up for the entire month.  I'm also hoping to see some benefits to this.  I'll keep you posted.

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