Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 2 of Fresh March, done

Okay, week two is complete and it was spring break.  So, I didn't have my time without the kids to get stuff done.  So, it was a bit challenging, but we made it.  Plus, we had pi day to celebrate!

I made cashew butter (roasted my own cashews and then blended them into butter).  I made a berry pie.  I made pizza dough, so the family could do make-your-own-pizzas. I made banana-zucchini bread.  And, I made up a new meal for the kids, which they loved!  Hard boiled eggs with bunny snacks and bananas.  What are bunny snacks, you ask?  Well, you slice up a carrot and place between the two of them a mixture of cashew butter and raisins.  They loved it!!!!  So, I think I have a new school lunch.

Meals this week included swordfish with a chipotle yogurt sauce on a bed of saluted greens, cashew butter and banana sandwiches on zucchini bread, prosciutto egg cups and blueberry pancakes, spaghetti squash  with a meat sauce marinara, and grilled salmon on a bed of herbed greens with a homemade chipotle balsamic vinaigrette.  All were quite delicious, although I think my family liked the swordfish meal the best.

So, enough about the food, now about the results.  How do I feel?  I wish I could say "I feel great!!! This is the best thing I've ever done. I'm going to continue eating this way forever because it is so worth the extra work."  But, I'm still exhausted.  I'm still bloated.  I'm still really hungry, although I think the extreme hunger is starting to subside.  I don't feel any better yet.  But, we're only two weeks into it, and it takes more than 2 weeks to change a lifetime of preservatives and added crap in a body.

So, I hope to have better news next week.
Bunny snacks

Swordfish on sauteed greens and a chipotle yogurt sauce

Cashew butter and banana on zucchini bread

Prosciutto egg cups and blueberry pancakes

Spaghetti squash and meat sauce

Grilled salmon with a parley-spinach salad (chipotle balsamic vinaigrette)

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