Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to make a busy month even busier

Everyone knows that December is one of the busiest months for just about everyone, especially mothers.  Well, I figured out a way to make it even busier.

To start December, I had a job interview for a really promising job ... one that I could see myself enjoy.  Well, the phone interview went well, so they asked me to do a code challenge, using a language and framework that I had never used before, and turn it around in 7-10 days.  This all happened while my husband was out of town for work, so I was single parenting for a week.

So, for the first 2 nights after putting the kids to bed, I taught myself PHP.  Then, the next 2 nights, I reviewed Laravel examples to learn the framework.  Then, the next 2 nights I tried to get an environment set up to start my project. So, 6 days out of the 7-10 gone, and I hadn't even started the project.  But, I got a working environment, and I got to work.  In one day (nap time and then bed time), I got a working project done.  It was perfect, but it worked and did the job, and I turned it in.

The next day, I got a request to come in for a code review.  So, I made arrangements to go down to the office and met with them to go over what I did.  On my way home, I got an email requesting a technical interview (a 5 hour adventure).

So, I made arrangements for me to do that next.  I studied what I could and I went down.  Well, I didn't do very well, but I was given a neat opportunity to re-interview in another month.

So, that was my first 2 weeks of December.  So, Christmas cards hadn't been addressed or sent out yet. Present weren't finished.  And, my children's January birthday parties hadn't been prepared for.  So, over the next week, I scrambled and got all 125 Christmas cards addressed.  I got the birthday invitations made and sent out.  I got all of the Christmas presents bought and mailed.  And, I have started putting together everything I need for their birthday parties.

I still don't have all of the Christmas presents wrapped, but I'm close.  I still have 2 days to get it all done.  I'm freaking out about the birthday parties, but I think they both will understand if they aren't perfect parties.  They will love whatever I put together for them.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


We are finishing out the Thanksgiving weekend here at the Breiding house.  It is Sunday afternoon.  Everyone in the house is napping, and I am sitting on the couch, by the fire, trying to stay warm and get birthday stuff ready (Yes, I know it is over a month away, but it will be here before you know it).

We had two Thanksgivings this year.  Last Sunday, our friends from Houston came to visit.  They have a little boy who is the same age as Maxwell, so the kids were super excited about it. In fact, when they left, they both wanted to know if he could come live with us and be their brother. For that dinner, I went all out.  I got up at 5 a.m., stuffed the turkey and got it in the oven.   I made everything from scratch, including the cream of mushroom soup in the green bean casserole, and the dough for the crescent rolls.  And, I made pumpkin ice cream tartlets for dessert.  It was big and delicious.  So, we started eating turkey every day last Sunday.

Then, Thanksgiving got here.  Well, you can't skip the day without having a celebratory meal, so, my husband smoked a turkey.  I made an asparagus casserole, and we ate the Stuffing-flavored potato chips our friends left behind.

So, it's been a week, and I've made turkey empanadas, turkey salad, turkey casserole, turkey nachos, turkey melts, turkey sandwiches ... you name it, I've made it with turkey.  And, I still have at least a quarter of a turkey left.

But, I'm not complaining.  It is just pushing my creativity up another notch.

I am thankful that my husband has a job that allows me to stay home and come up with creative new ways to use turkey after thanksgiving.  I am thankful that my kids eat more than just the bread on thanksgiving day and every day.  I am thankful that when I made turkey casserole, both of my children told me how delicious it was.  I am thankful that my house is part-way decorated for Christmas.  I am thankful that my Christmas shopping is almost done.  I am thankful that my wonderful husband makes me warm fires and hot tea to keep me warm on these cold Texas days. I am thankful that, even though I wake up every day feeling terrible and I don't want to get out of bed, I do get out of bed and have two wonderful children to push me through each day.  I am thankful for so many things, but mostly I'm thankful for have Jeremy, Jade, and Maxwell.  They are my reasons for everything.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

When it feels like nothing is going your way

I'm sitting here on a Thursday afternoon, wondering why I feel like this.  I am down ... really down.  The only thing I can think of is that it has been a bad week.

First, this is always an off week, with daylight savings time ending on Sunday.  Everyone's schedules are all off.  Both kids and the husband are both up way too early every day and that throws off my schedule.  I can't comfortably get my daughter ready for school and prepare myself for the boys, when they are both up before I leave to take her.  My whole day is thrown askew.

Next, my daughter is testing me, or feeling needy or something because on Tuesday, she decided she wasn't going to do what she was told.  So, when I took away her kindle because she refused to put her clothes away, she screamed at me.  I'm not talking a little yell, or her typical humph.  She outright screamed and cried because I wouldn't give her the kindle.  When she would calm down, I took her favorite toy away, and that just made her scream even more (which I expected, but I'd hoped she would see that I meant business and wanted her to stop screaming).

Wednesday wasn't an easy day, but at least there wasn't any screaming.  My husband's volleyball game was canceled, though, so my quiet relaxation time was disturbed.

Now, here we are on Thursday, and this time it was my son's turn.  After a long day at school and waiting for his nap until after we picked up his sister from school, we came home to read stories and finally nap.  I read his first story just fine and he sat in his "I'm really tired" position.  When I went to read the second story, he kept interrupting me.  When, the third time, he said "I don't want that story, I want this story" and I told him to stop and listen or he wouldn't get any story.  He again interrupted that he wanted a different story, so I stopped reading and put him in bed.  At this point, he sat up and screamed, a blood-curdling scream.  I told him to lay down and go to sleep, and he continued to scream, for 30 minutes, until he finally fell asleep.  He wouldn't listen to anything I said, he just wanted to scream.

So, I'm sitting here.  The screaming has stopped and he's napping peacefully with his little butt in the air.  Jade is playing school with her mini figures quietly on her bed.  I have applied for my 5th job this week (about my 100th this year).  I've gone through the mail and all the school papers.  and, I have about 20 minutes before I have to get up to make dinner.

I want to cry, but seeing what time it is, I know that my daughter will be in here very soon begging to play with her kindle, which will probably lead to her screaming at me when I tell her no again.  I want to bury my head under the covers and just go to sleep, but I have to get up to make dinner sooner than I could fall asleep.  I just want to hide somewhere where no one can scream at me, or tell me that I did something else wrong, or tell me I'm just not good enough.  I want to run away to a place where everyone loves every meal I cook, and I don't have to fight to get one kid to eat their meat and the other kid to eat their vegetables.  Just like every other stay at home mom out there, I want to feel loved and appreciated.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow is a better day, or at least next week is a better week.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

What do I want to do?

I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old.  My 2 year old is potty trained. He even just switched to wearing underwear at night.  So, I haven't had to change a diaper for my own children in a long time.  I am done!!!

But, the last couple of weeks, I have been substitute teaching at my son's preschool, and the teacher in the baby class has been out sit for a while and I've been in that class 3 days now.  The first time I subbed in there, I changed 16 diapers in 3 hours (6 of which were stinky).  The second day I subbed wasn't as bad, only 1 stinky diaper, but still, a lot of wet diaper changes. The third day, also, not as bad.

The teacher that is out sick is not sure what is wrong yet, but should find out soon.  My big decision comes in if the teacher needs to be out long term, do I want to be a stable teacher in that class and take over for her?  Do I want to change diapers every day for a long time?

If I did take over for her on a long-term basis, things would have to change from the current situation.  I would need to be the lead teacher in the room and run the class, not the current assistant who has been running, since I'm just a temporary substitute.   But, if I do that, will I be happy.  I have been exhausted from just 3 days of substituting.

Well, I don't currently have a decision to make, but if they do need me, can I (or should I) do it?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Let the holidays begin!

October is here.  With that comes a busy time, that doesn't stop until March!  Am I ready for it?  Sort of.

Halloween is a fun time for our family. We dress up as a family, with themed costumes.  We started when our daughter was 1. That year she was a hippo and we were zoo keepers.  The next year, she was Tinkerbell, my husband was Peter Pan (complete with tights) and I was Wendy (to cover my pregnant belly).    The following year, we were the super family (kids were superman and super girl, and my husband and I were Jor-el and Lara.  And last year the kids were batgirl and Robin, and my husband and I were the Joker and Harley Quinn.  So far, we've let my daughter pick them all.  And, this year, she picked an interesting one.  My son will be Percy Jackson. My daughter will be Calypso.  My husband will be Poseidon, and I will be Athena.

I love pumpkin patches, but I'm worried we're not going to get a chance to go to one this year.  We are going camping this month, so that takes up time we would normally be pumpkin patching.  I'm hoping I can squeeze it in somehow.

After Halloween comes Thanksgiving.  Now that we live in Texas, this is all mine again.  I don't have to run from one house to another, stressing about getting everything done and being where we need to be.  I get to cook and make a wonderful meal for my family and we get to hang out together.  I'm hoping we have company join us this year.  We're still working out the details.

After Thanksgiving comes Christmas!   I love giving gifts.  I just wish I were there to see the faces of my nieces and nephew when they open their gifts. I have so much fun watching my kids on Christmas morning.  I get to spend weeks leading up to it baking for all kinds of things!  I love baking!

Then, New Years, which we have some fun traditions.

Then, Maxwell's birthday (3 this year)! He wants a sports party.  I'm so excited!

Then, Bailey's birthday (also 3 this year)!  So, 21 in dog years, which is big!

Then, Jade's birthday (the big 6!)!  She wants an explore/spy party.  This should be fun!

Then, my birthday (the big 4-0), followed by Valentine's day and our anniversary.

So, I say, let the fun begin!  Now, if all these school fundraisers didn't have to happen in the middle of it all ;-)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Love family, missing family

After the last update, I wanted to let you all know that my daughter did not get a part in the Lion King at her school.  She was heartbroken, but has quickly moved on.  Now, we're a little less busy, and I'm good with that.

So, we've been having a wonderful time, enjoying life in San Antonio, just the four of us.  We are exploring and loving life here as the perfect family.  But, I have to say that there is one thing that is missing, time with our elders.

I grew up with a huge extended family that we saw all the time.  We spent every Friday, before I started school, at my grandmother and grandfather's house.  And, after I did start school, we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa a couple of times a week, at least.  We visited my Grandpa Max at least once a month.  We saw my aunt and my cousins quite regularly.

But, my kids have no family around.  We do our best to Skype or FaceTime with her grandparents whenever we can, but it just isn't the same.  And, we go to Michigan once a year and Florida once a year, and so they're able to see most of the family, but we don't get to see them all.  We haven't seen my husband's father since we moved here, almost 2 years ago.  And, we haven't seen my niece, Isabella, in almost as long.

So, I'm sitting here on a Sunday evening, after a wonderful weekend with my family.  I had a perfect day yesterday, taking my daughter to see the Little Mermaid at the Majestic followed by a wonderful dinner out for sushi with the whole family. We had so much fun and the great conversation you get with a 5 year old and a 2 year old.  You can't ask for a better time.  And, today, we watched Papa play soccer and made my daughter's star student poster!  She was so excited and we had fun putting it all together.  But, I still miss my mom and dad.  I miss my sister and her beautiful children.  I miss my brother and his beautiful daughter.    I miss my husband's grandparents, his mom and dad, and his sisters and our nieces and nephew.  I hope we can plan a trip to see them again soon.  And, I hope they can plan a trip to come see us in our great city soon, too.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

What is too much?

We're back into the swing of things for the new school year now.  My 5-year-old started out kindergarten with no complaints.  She didn't collapse after her first day because she was so tired. She kept right on going.  She actually didn't show any signs of tiring for the whole first two weeks.  We just finished week three of school and she started complaining about her legs hurting on the walk to school. She's no longer running around the track at school, but walking instead so she doesn't get too tired.  The year is starting to take a toll on her.  But, I don't think it's school that is the problem.  It might be all the extra stuff.

Every Tuesday, after a full day of school, she comes home to a quick rest (soon to be homework time) and then she heads off to an hour of gymnastics.  After that, its home for dinner and then off to bed, with no time to play.

Every Wednesday, after another full day of school, she comes home to change and then heads straight off to an hour of Broadway.  Then, it's home for dinner and off to bed, again not much time to play, and will soon be filled with finishing her homework for the week.

This past week, she tried out for the school play.  If she gets a part, that will mean an hour and a half every Monday after school.

Her school also has a lot of other fun stuff too.  Last Thursday, after school, we came home for a quick rest, then headed back for her play auditions, then back home for a little more rest, then she turned right back around and went back to school for a Daddy/Daughter meeting.  She didn't get home until an hour after her normal bedtime.

So, knowing that she's only 5 and needs some time to do her homework and just be a kid, do I make her quit gymnastics or Broadway to make room for the school play, which she is super excited about?  She's also super excited about Broadway and gymnastics too, although gymnastics is her least favorite of the three.  Have I let her overload herself and set her up to fail by not saying no?  What is too much and can she succeed with such a busy schedule?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back to School

We survived our first week of kindergarten and our first day of preschool.  Back to school is officially in full swing.

Jade is now on her second week of kindergarten and she is starting to get frustrated.  They spent the first week learning the rules of the class and learning their way around the school.  They got to know their teacher and their specials teachers.  Now, in week two, and they are still learning the rules and getting acquainted with the school.  She wants to read.  She wants to write.  She wants to do math.  I keep telling her that it is coming and she'll have plenty of time to do lots of things, but I can see the frustration on her face.  I ask her about her day and she says "we went to the library."  I asked her if they got to check out any books and she said "no, they just told us a story about a kid who ruined a book by spilling red kool-aid on the book, and told us that we shouldn't eat or drink while reading a library book."  The look in her eyes was a bit of disappointment and a lot of frustration.  She was really hoping to get a BabyMouse book to read at school.

Maxwell started preschool today.  He walked right in and sat down and started doing his puzzle with a big smile on his face.  He had a wonderful day.  He said, "I played with that boy."  He couldn't remember his new friend's name but he liked meeting new friends.  He was so proud of his "superstar" sticker he got.  I am so proud of what a big boy he is and how he can so easily go into a room of strangers and make friends.

So, we're in full swing.  As they get older, I'm running them around like mad.  Someone in this family has something almost every night of the week.  My only problem ... tonight we had to go straight from gymnastics to the PTA meeting.  I didn't get to eat dinner, and I'm okay with that.  What I'm not okay with is that I didn't get to eat dinner with my kids and put them to bed.  I want to our family to always sit down together.  I want to read stories to my children every night.  Tonight, I didn't get to do that.  So, I kiss them softly so I don't wake them and watch them sleep on the baby monitor, and I will give them an extra big hug tomorrow.

Friday, August 21, 2015

End of Summer

This is it. It's here.  The end of summer.  In just three more days, my oldest will start kindergarten.  Am I ready?  Not at all.  Is she ready?  Absolutely.

So, kindergarten in San Antonio starts at 7:40 a.m.  That's ridiculously early.  My kids sleep until 7:30 every morning.  So, in order to prepare my sleeping child for an early morning school, I've been slowly getting her up earlier and earlier.  This past week, we've woke up every morning at the time we would when we have to go to school.  We've gotten completely ready to go (including dressed and breakfast eaten) and then we've walked to the school.

She has been excited for this and loves the time of just me and her up in the morning and walking to school.  And the last couple of mornings, she's said.  "momma, I'm going to miss you when I am at school, and you are going to miss me.  But, I'm going to have a lot of fun."  I am so proud of my big girl.  How is she so wise at such a young age?!

So, Monday morning, she starts kindergarten.

And, a week later, my little man starts back at preschool.  I would like to be able to say I don't know what I'm going to do with myself the two days a week that both kids will be at school, but I know better.  I'll be running errands, doing cleaning, getting stuff done.  I'll be so busy, I'll wonder where the time went each day.

So, we had a great summer.  We visited family, we traveled and explored Denver.  We went to the Children's Museum.  We went to Kiddie Park.  We went to Schlitterbahn.  We did a lot of swimming. We cuddled a lot.  And now it's over.  Good luck this year, sweetheart!  Mommy loves you and knows you are going to have so much fun!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Sometimes you just want to give up, and that's okay

This has been one of those weeks ... one of those weeks where you feel like giving up.  When you feel like nothing you do is right.  When it seems like no one is listening to you and you don't know why you even try anymore.  Well, I've had one of those weeks, but I'm doing my best to get out of it.

Monday started like any other week.  We all got up and got ready for a typical day (going to the gym, getting the grocery shopping done, running some errands).  The kids started right off with not listening at the table, not getting ready when they are supposed to, and constant complaining and fighting.  I happily dropped them off at the child watch to do my weight lifting class to my daughter whining "do I have to go to kids in motion?"  I did my workout well (as well as I could with my hurt knee and it still hurting to breath) and felt good about it.  So, we headed to Trader Joe's to do our grocery shopping.  I got them each a sample in the produce section and when they finished that, I gave them each a snack to eat.  But, that wasn't good enough. Jade couldn't drink the sample drink because it has apples in it, and so she had to whine about that.  When they finished their snack, I let Maxwell get out of the cart and help Jade push the kid's cart.  Of course, he wanted to go to fast.  She didn't want him to help at all.  They had to scream and yell at each other for the second half of our trip to control the darned cart!!!  Nap time couldn't come soon enough!  But, we made it through the day, everyone alive.

Tuesday, we went to the gym again in the morning, this time a little earlier because I'm still trying to find a zumba instructor that I like.  No luck this time either (so both Tuesday and Thursdays are out). I brought the kids home to hang out and play (hubby works from home on Tuesday) while I ran over to Maxwell's preschool to drop off my substitute teacher application and start the background check process.  Fight, fight, fight over lunch.  No one wants to eat what I make them.  Then, as a surprise to Jade, after Maxwell is put down to nap, I take her shopping with me.  I HATE SHOPPING AT TARGET!  I know I should have my SAHM card taken away for saying that, but it is a total nightmare there every time I go.  They never have what I need in the right sizes or at all, and I end up coming home with a bunch of crap I didn't need.  Then, to gymnastics, home for a dinner that the kids seemed to like, and off to bed.

Wednesday was kind of a special day.  I had been promising Jade I'd take her to Kiddie Park since April and so we finally went.  It was hot and Maxwell got scared on the ferris wheel.  I almost got sick on the carousel and Maxwell was devastated because he wanted to ride the pink airplane, but he was too slow each time and the big kids beat him to it each time.  Fits, tantrums, and crying from each of them over wanting the blue car, or the pink plane, or Maxwell to ride with Jade, all morning long.  And, not a one "Thank you, Mom! That was fun!" They both napped, so I was obligated to take them to my husband's beach volleyball game that night.  So, while he drank beer and played volleyball with his coworkers, I had to sit and referee the kids fights over shovels and buckets and keep them safe from flying balls and yell continuously to stop picking up the garbage.  And, had to make a mad-dash to get Maxwell to the bathroom in time so he wouldn't do stinks in his pants.  Fun!!!

Thursday came and I was exhausted, but I got up and went and go blood work done, then to get my finger printing done for the substituting position.  Then, went to the gym and rode the bike for an hour.  This was followed by the madness that is swim lessons.  Jade cries every time we have lessons.  It is so upsetting I just want to break down and give up, but I know she needs to do this.  She's good too, which makes it so upsetting.  Nap time and Maxwell refuses to nap today, making for a difficult toddler up until bedtime.

Friday, playdate with the preschool friends.  That was nice and fun.  I'm starting to feel a little relief. The kids haven't been terrible, although Maxwell is refusing his nap again today.  And, it's the weekend, which means nothing, except that Papa will be home to offer something.

So, it will turn around.  I'm not going to quit and bury my head in the covers and never come out.  I will keep pushing forward.  The kids will have their bad days, but they will be good too.  I'm tired and I have a lot of work to do, but what Mom doesn't, right?  Just keep pushing forward and it will be better.  And, I finally finished the antibiotic, so I can have a glass of wine tonight!  And, will the kids remember that I almost snapped this week and wanted to give up?  No.  They'll maybe remember that fun day at Kiddie Park.  They'll maybe remember playing on the playground with their school friends.  Jade is going to remember that she didn't get to make an "ocean" out of water bottles, rocks and water like Johnny did and will pester me until we make one at home.

So, I just want to say to all the other Moms out there going through a rough week ... it's okay to want to give up sometimes.  But, hang in there, because it will get better.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Theatre camp fun

My 5-year-old daughter went to theatre camp this past week.  It was Mary Poppins themed and she was so excited.  It was what she was looking forward to all summer long and it was finally here.

So, I sent her off, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. every day for a week.  Monday, she brought home her script and her music book.  She was quite devastated because she didn't get the part of Jane, like she wanted.  She was crying so hard, but I talked her down and explained to her that you don't always get the part you want, and when that happens, you do your best with what you were give them.  That night, she went through the music book and picked out the solo she wanted to try out for and she started practicing it every free second she had.

Tuesday, she came home happy.  She was really excited about learning the penguin dance, and she was really excited about solo auditions that were happening Wednesday.

Wednesday came, audition day.  And, she came out so excited that she got the solo!  I was so proud of her.  But, she was even more excited because they finished learning the penguin dance.

Thursday was just another day for her.  She was happy it was over, because that meant the next day was show day.

Friday came, show day.  She had a full day of camp and then they had two shows that evening.  She was so excited.  We only got four total tickets, divided among the shows, so we decided that I would go by myself to the first show and the Papa and little man would come to the second show.  So, I sat nervously awaiting her performance in the front row.

For a 5-year-old who only had a week to learn a dance, a skit, and a 20-minute song and dance routine, she did great.  Sure, it was perfect.  Yes, she had to look around to remember some of the dance moves, and she didn't sing every word, but I was very proud of her.

My big surprise came when the music portion of the show started and when it came time for what I was told was my daughter's solo, she was standing in the back row behind 4 much bigger girls while they sang her solo in front of her.  Every other "solo" during that night the soloists all stood in a row together.  Never was there a soloist standing behind the rest of them.  She was told it was because she didn't tell the dance teacher that she was a soloist.  But, I'm pretty upset about that.  Why can't they get their act together and not rely on a 5-year-old to relay details between teachers for her first show like this.

But, she loved it and she has asked to audition for the Nutcracker in a couple of months.  I have a true performer on my hands.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer time, continued

A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I tagged along on my husband's work trip.  We knew in advance that he wasn't going to have much, if any time to have fun with us, but we got a free hotel in Denver, so why not?

The problem ... I was sick when it came time for the trip.  I had no voice the day before and along with coughing, it hurt to breath.  Add in 2 small kids in the mile-high city, and you've got a rough week for this Momma.

But, if you ask my kids, I don't think they will remember that I was sick, because I did everything possible to make it a memorable trip for them.

Day 1, we got there and didn't have time for much.  We did dinner and happy hour and just settled into the hotel.

Day 2, we took a walk down to the 16th street mall.  We shopped and got some little gifts for the kids, and we saw the sites.  I was excited to see the capital building and have fun with my kids.  My kids were excited because they got to ride the bus.

Day 3, I took my kids to walk around the entertainment district of Denver.  They saw the performing arts buildings and even got to go inside the concert hall and take some pictures.  My kids loved the dancing people statue that was outside.  "Mommy, they're naked" is all they will remember of the entire trip to Denver.

Day 4, We took the bus and then walked to go to the Denver Children's museum.  They had a lot of fun.  Even through the coughing and inability to breath, I strapped Maxwell on my back and hiked all the way to the other side of town for them to have this fun day, and then hiked all the way back after they were done playing.  They loved it and we even walked along the river on the way back to get some extra scenery in.

Day 5 was a pool day.  Our hotel had a "hot tub" warm indoor pool and the kids loved swimming in it.

If you ask Maxwell what his favorite part was, he'll say swimming.  If you ask Jade what her favorite part was, she'll say the Children's museum.  Both will say they had fun and want to go back, so all in all, I think it was a successful trip.  Neither one of them will even remember that Momma was miserable the whole time, so I see that as a success!

Friday, July 3, 2015

What will she remember when she's all grown up?

Summer is a fun time for kids.  There is no school and parents do whatever they can to keep their kids busy, which includes vacations and lots of fun activities.  Now, here we are a month into this summer.  Independence Day is upon us.  If someone were to ask my kids how their summer has gone so far, would they be satisfied?  Would they be pleased?  Or, would they just have a long list of things we haven't done yet?  And, most importantly, would my soon-to-be-kindergartener be happy with how her last summer as a little girl is going?

I hate to say it, but with the attitude my 5 year old has been sporting lately, I'd have to say that she would just have a long list of things yet to do this summer.  I know she has been having fun.  She's enjoyed our adventures so far, although she complains every day we have a "normal" day.  How did my sweet little girl become the one who always needs more?  What did I do to teach her that it is okay to always whine and complain about things? I thought I did a better job of showing gratitude for what I had and never showing any need for anything else.  I have never shown her that I want anything more than I have.  So where did she get this from?

And then there is my 2 year old.  He is happy just visiting the library or going to see his best friends Maddy-Sebastian-Zach.  He asks for the "normal" days of going to the YMCA and the grocery store.

So, there is 6 weeks of summer left.  I'm taking the kids on an adventure in a new state for a week.  I hope to take them to all the places that I promised before the start of the year.  My big girl has two more summer camps, one where she will put on the play, Mary Poppins.  I want to take her to the zoo, since she still hasn't been.  I want to take her to Kiddie Park, since she still hasn't been.  I want to take both of them to Morgan's Wonderland, since none of us have been yet.

I didn't want to cram too much into this summer.  I wanted to just cuddle with my big girl and little boy.  But, more and more keeps coming up.  And, now, with it almost half done, I feel like there is too much left to do and not enough time to do it in.  So, will I let her down?  Will she remember her last summer before school as the one where her Mother didn't give her everything she promised?  Or, when she looks back, will she remember how hard I tried to give her as many memories as I good?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Father's day part 2

I know you guys are probably wondering why I left my Husband off the last post.  Well, it was done on purpose because I wanted to give him his own post to celebrate the father of my children on father's day.

My husband, known as Papa to our two beautiful children, is outgoing and fun.  He teaches our kids things that I could never do, and that is why we make such a good team.

I am a very lucky woman.  My husband is a helpful father.  He participates in taking care of the kids.  Since my daughter was first born, he has done almost every bath.  And, he isn't just a babysitter when I need to do things.  He is a fully capable parent. I know that if something were to happen to me, my children would continue to be well taken care of.

Father's day is a day we get to celebrate the brave men of our lives that guide and educate children in a way only they can do.  So, this father's day, I wish my wonderful husband a happy father's day and thank him for all he does for our family.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Here we are again ... Father's Day is just 2 days away.  A day that we celebrate all of the wonderful fathers in our lives.  So, I want to celebrate a few wonderful fathers in my life.

First, we'll start with my husband's grandfather (Dad's dad).  He is a strong, sweet and funny father to 4 wonderful children.  He is a wonderful man and we are so glad to have him in our lives.

Next, we'll go to my husband's other grandfather (Grampy).  He has been a huge influence on my husband and is one of the strongest men I know.  A prisoner of war for six and a half years, he has been through a lot, but is still kind and gentle.  He is also a father to four children.

Next, we'll move to my father-in-law.  Without this man, I would not have the life I have today because I would not have my husband.  I thank him for helping make my husband the man he is today.

Next, we'll talk about my brother-in-law.  He is a great father to three beautiful children.  He's so good with children, my two lovelies love spending time with their Uncle Shea!  Thank you, Shea, for being a great partner to my sister!

Next, there is my brother.  Although, I don't see him much, I can tell whenever I see him and his sweet daughter, I know he is a great father.  That little girl loves her father so much and he does everything he can to make sure she grows up happy.

And, although there are many other wonderful fathers that I'd love to highlight, I would be going on  forever, so we're going to finish this post with my father.  This man has made me who I am.  He's made me strong.  He's made me independent.  I would not be where I am today if it weren't for him.  And, not only is he a wonderful father, he is a wonderful grandfather.  My children love him so much and look forward to seeing him.  And, on top of all that, he doesn't just take care of his family, he's been selflessly taking care of all the girls of Owosso for years, making sure they have a safe place to learn and play softball.

To these men and all the other wonderful fathers, keep up the great work and thank you!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Heading to Curwood

In just three days, I will be getting on an airplane with my two lovely children, heading to my hometown.  It's my father's birthday, but also, it's Curwood weekend (the annual festival of the town).  My beautiful niece is on the Princess Court and we are going to support her.

So, what is Curwood weekend?  It's a small town festival just like most other.  There are parades and carnival rides.  There are carnival games and activities.  There is carnival food and carnival people.

So, my children are going to love it.  They are going to get to ride rides and eat junk food, all with their cousins and grandparents.  What could be better than that?!

I am so proud of my niece!  She is absolutely gorgeous and so outgoing.  She is going to be so perfect representing the city.

So, I am going to put up with carny people, carny games, carny food, and flying with two small children by myself because I love my family.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer is here

Summer is here.  Both of my kids had their last day of school last week and now the summer schedule is upon us.

Today was our first day of summer break (after the long Memorial Day weekend) and we've started it out with a bang.  While I see moms on Facebook taking their kids to the museum to see the cool, latest kid-friendly exhibit, and other moms making their summer fun adventure lists, what did we do?  I had a colposcopy and took the kids grocery shopping.  What are we doing tomorrow?  We might go to a park, but we're definitely going to make a chain to count down the days until we head out to visit family for a week.

Ok, so I'm not just going to sit around the house and do nothing all summer.  But I'm also not going to  jam pack this summer with so much stuff that I am exhausted every single day.  I've signed up my oldest for 3 summer camps, one for each month of summer.  So, she'll be away during the day 1 week of each month, but home with us, the remaining 3 weeks.  I've also promised her that we would do three things this summer.  The first is to dig for worms in the back yard.  The second is to spend a morning at Kiddie Park.  The third is that we would go to the library once a week, all summer long.  None of those are very hard to accomplish, so I think we're good.  I also promised my son that we would go to the YMCA three times every week.  So, with all that, I think we'll be good.

I have crafts to do around the house (nothing too elaborate because with a 2 year old and a 5 year old, you have to keep it simple).  I have created them each a workout chart, because they really wanted one.  This requires that they each do something active every day of the summer.  This includes Kids in Motion at the YMCA and their gymnastics classes.  On the other days, we'll go for a jog around the neighborhood, or play the dancing game on the Xbox Kinect, or practice gymnastics, or go for a bike ride.  But, I don't want them sitting around doing crafts and being lazy all summer.  I am realistic though.  It looks like it is going to be a rainy, miserable summer (and even it if isn't rainy, this is Texas and it is hot), so we'll be inside a lot.

So, I'm not "super mom" making sure that every day has some activity to learn and have fun.  Some days we'll go to the YMCA and go grocery shopping.  Some days we won't even leave the house.  I'm not promising too much, so my kids won't get upset.  But, we're going to have fun and enjoy each other's company, because that is most important (at least to me who is losing my little girl to kindergarten next year).

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Show time!

My daughter is a star!!! I know I'm biased, but I think she is born to be on stage.  She had her first recital this past weekend and although it wasn't perfect, she was amazing.  She was beautiful and she was great!  I am one proud mom!!!

I have been a bit upset because her show experience has been different than I imagined it to be when I thought about my children dancing.  I don't get to be backstage.  I don't even get to see the dress rehearsal.   But, when I saw her up on that stage being beautiful and perfect, none of that mattered.  She is a star!  I imagine we will be seeing her on stage a lot in the future.

If you're interested, here is the video.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day

Some people think that you celebrate Mother's Day just by celebrating your mother and that is the only thing the holiday is for.  Others people think that Mother's Day is to celebrate all mothers, but especially the ones that are in your life and mean something to you.

I am in the second group of people.  I want to make sure that every Mother in my life knows that she is special and is doing a good job.  And, I want to do what I can to make sure my own mother knows that she is special every day of the year, and not just on Mother's Day.  So, since Mother's Day is in 2 days, I'm going to do a little tribute to some of the very special mothers in my life.

First, we'll start with my husband's grandmother.  She raised 4 children and is one of those very strong women that I look up to.  She isn't afraid to say what's on her mind and is so real.  You don't ever have to wonder with her and I admire that so much.  There aren't a lot of people out there like that.

Next, we'll go to my husband's other grandmother.  She also raised four children, mostly by herself, starting at a very young age.  When her husband was a prisoner of war, for 6 1/2 years she stayed strong and continued to be strong.  She is one of those women who always puts a smile on her face no matter what is going on, and always looks great.

Next, we'll move to my mother-in-law.  Through a time of unhappiness and the difficulties of divorce, she helped make my husband who he is today.  Without her, I would not have the life I have today.  I thank her for giving me her son. Also, I thank her for being such a loving grandmother to my beautiful children.

Next, we'll talk about my sister.  She is a supermom to three kids.  Juggling her work and all the many activities her kids are in is so much.  Between soccer, swimming, dance, school and everything else, she holds it together and has 3 wonderful children.  I look to her for advice so often.  I feel weird about it, because she is my little sister, but she's been through it all before me and did it so well.

And, although there are many other wonderful mother's that I'd love to highlight, I would be going on  forever, so we're going to finish this post with my mother.  This woman has made me who I am.  She's made me strong.  She's made me independent.  I would not be where I am today if it weren't for her.  And, not only is she a wonderful mother, she is a wonderful grandmother.  My children love her so much and look forward to seeing her.

To these women and all the other wonderful mothers, keep up the great work and thank you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I've been missing for a little while

Well, it's been over a month since my last writing.  Things have been a bit crazy around, and I just haven't found the time to sit down and write.

We had Kinder Roundup this past month.  This is NEISD's way of getting information out to parents of children who are going to be starting kindergarten next fall.  Jade had a blast, getting to meet the teachers at the school and doing a fun craft.

Then, in an effort to support to school, we attended their festival.  Now, about once a week, Jade has asked "when do I get to start at my new school."  I am not ready for her to be so grown up!!!

Then, I took my beautiful daughter on a wonderful Mommy-daughter date day.  We went to lunch on the riverwalk and to the Majestic to see Annie.  Now, she asks me, "how old do I have to be to do that?  Annie was 11, so 6 more years?"

Then, we went on a trip back to Florida to visit family.  Little Maxwell ran up to his Great-grandfathers, yelling their name in happiness. You should have seen the look on their faces. They were the two happiest men in the world!  Jade got to have some play time with her cousin and she was so happy.  And, Jeremy got some quality time with his grandfather, which was very good for the both of them.  We really miss them and were very happy to see everyone.

When we got back, we returned to field day at school, a garage sale, a trike-a-thon for school, and a nature scavenger hunt for Maxwell's playgroup.

I'm tired.  And, tomorrow, I'm going to register Jade for kindergarten.  And, the fun doesn't stop there.  Jade has her dress rehearsal on Saturday and her show is in a week and a half (which means my mother-in-law is coming to town).  I am ready for summer to be here for me to have some fun with my kids!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fresh March is done, but we're still eating mostly fresh

So, Fresh March is finished.  What has changed?  Not much.

I am not breaking my back to make sure everything is completely homemade, but we are still eating mostly homemade.  I'm still shopping at Trader Joes, mostly because the temptations are less there than at a big grocer like HEB.

I made the most amazing dinner of bacon-chipotle cornbread with barbecue pulled pork and coconut green beans.  The kids ate it up so fast, it was awesome, and my husband went back for seconds.

The funny thing is, I'm no less tired now that April is here.  I don't feel any different, but I'm still cooking most things from scratch, so most hasn't changed.

I just want to know what I can do to get some energy?  I have a 2 year old boy and a a 5 year old girl. I need more energy.  I eat well.  I exercise.  I take care of myself.  Why do I always feel sick and tired?!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fresh March, almost done.

Well, the praise wasn't as big this week on my food flavors, but I think it's just because everyone had a rough week.  Also, I don't think my dinner selections were as creative this week as they had been the past few, mostly because of how tired I am.

Monday, we had our usual "Maxwell's soup" which is a crockpot chicken, veggie, and salsa mixture.  Tuesday, I made a pork version of this, with a Jalapeno beer and veggies.  It was surprisingly very spicy, but the kids loved it.  Wednesday, I made mahi-mahi over a bed of warmed greens and an avocado chipotle aioli.  Thursday, I made pizza.  Well, actually, the whole family made pizza. It is always a fun night. Friday, I made cauliflower "rice" and chipotle ground turkey.  The kids loved it, but my husband was devastated that I didn't make the ribs, which were still thawing in the fridge.  So, on Saturday, I made ribs and kale chips.  Okay, I know, not the most creative of weeks, but still good and tasty and good for us.  I also made cherry dark chocolate snack bars for the kids, zucchini bread, and strawberry yogurt popsicles.

So, to the results so far.  I'm tired.  More tired than I've been in a very long time.  I don't know if it is from all of the extra work, or the new workout program that I started about a month ago, or something else, but I'm really, very tired.  I think I've lost a pound, but nothing else.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was cost.  I shopped at Trader Joe's for more healthy options than what is offered at HEB.  Meats and cheeses cost more, but vegetables and such were less, so it ended up being about the same as any normal month.  What made it a pain, is that I can't get everything I need from Trader Joes.  I had to make 3 extra trips to HEB to get things that I couldn't get at Trader Joes.  So, making extra shopping trips just added to my tiredness.

We still have 2 days left in the month.  I think I'm going to do my best to continue with the Fresh cooking and eating.  I'm not going to buy anymore processed snack foods for my kids.  My  bars are better for them and they taste better too.  I'm going to keep trying to make as much from scratch as I can, including pasta and breads.  My family seems to like it better and it is better for them.  I can do that for them, no matter how tired it makes me.

I'll post one more update at the very end of the month with my measurement update.

Barbecue ribs and kale chips

Blackened mahi-mahi on warmed greens with an avocado chipotle aioli

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fresh March, week 3, done

Fresh March is continuing and I'm quite tired.  My husband says that the food has been way better this month that it has been in a long time.  I guess, making everything from scratch will do that.

On Monday, I made "Maxwell's soup."  It is hands-down, Maxwell's favorite meal.  It's a crockpot chicken, veggies and salsa that he just loves.  On Tuesday, it was St. Patrick's day, so I made Bangers and Sauerkraut.  On Wednesday, I made a salad with a roasted chicken and spinach and feta cheese.  On Thursday, I made seafood risotto.  Friday, my husband and I had date night.  Saturday, we made spinach pasta as a family and I made lasagna.  And, tonight, I made the leftover pasta to make a stroganoff-type dish with pulled pork.  I also, made popsicles for the kids, which they loved.  I had a busy week and didn't get a lot of time to make stuff outside of just the meals, but we had some good dinners and everything is all made here.

On to the results: Well, I still feel really tired.  I don't feel any extra energy.  I don't feel healthier at all.  But, my family does seem to be happier.  They like the food a lot better.  My kids are eating seconds of most meals instead of fighting me to just finish their plates.  They beg for my homemade bars for snack.

This week, I hope to make more bars, since I'm almost out and come up with some more yummy meals.

Lasagna, with spinach pasta

seafood risotto

Greek yogurt popsicle

Pork Grunt

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 2 of Fresh March, done

Okay, week two is complete and it was spring break.  So, I didn't have my time without the kids to get stuff done.  So, it was a bit challenging, but we made it.  Plus, we had pi day to celebrate!

I made cashew butter (roasted my own cashews and then blended them into butter).  I made a berry pie.  I made pizza dough, so the family could do make-your-own-pizzas. I made banana-zucchini bread.  And, I made up a new meal for the kids, which they loved!  Hard boiled eggs with bunny snacks and bananas.  What are bunny snacks, you ask?  Well, you slice up a carrot and place between the two of them a mixture of cashew butter and raisins.  They loved it!!!!  So, I think I have a new school lunch.

Meals this week included swordfish with a chipotle yogurt sauce on a bed of saluted greens, cashew butter and banana sandwiches on zucchini bread, prosciutto egg cups and blueberry pancakes, spaghetti squash  with a meat sauce marinara, and grilled salmon on a bed of herbed greens with a homemade chipotle balsamic vinaigrette.  All were quite delicious, although I think my family liked the swordfish meal the best.

So, enough about the food, now about the results.  How do I feel?  I wish I could say "I feel great!!! This is the best thing I've ever done. I'm going to continue eating this way forever because it is so worth the extra work."  But, I'm still exhausted.  I'm still bloated.  I'm still really hungry, although I think the extreme hunger is starting to subside.  I don't feel any better yet.  But, we're only two weeks into it, and it takes more than 2 weeks to change a lifetime of preservatives and added crap in a body.

So, I hope to have better news next week.
Bunny snacks

Swordfish on sauteed greens and a chipotle yogurt sauce

Cashew butter and banana on zucchini bread

Prosciutto egg cups and blueberry pancakes

Spaghetti squash and meat sauce

Grilled salmon with a parley-spinach salad (chipotle balsamic vinaigrette)

Monday, March 9, 2015

1 week into Fresh March

So, it's been a week, and I'm not seeing any great results yet, but it's only been a week.

First, I'm more tired, probably from all of the extra cooking I've needed to do, from making my own empanada dough, taco shells made from scratch, home made mayonnaise, home made salad dressing, and even a fresh-made cake for my daughter's school (with berries for food coloring).  So, I don't know if I have less energy from the different food or from all the extra work.  But, it's only been a week, so we'll see how the rest of the month goes.

Second, I'm hungry all the time.  I can't seem to get full.  Well, that's not true.  I get full really quickly when I eat, so I don't eat that much at the meal.  But, then 30 minutes later, I'm hungry again.  Is there something in all that extra junk added to our full that keeps us full?  Again, it's only been a week, so maybe my body just needs to adjust to the lack of extras.  We'll see how the rest of the month goes.

Third, my husband's gas has been terrible.  For the past few days, he has stunk up the house so terrible that the stink isn't going away.  It's gross beyond gross.  I'm hoping that this side affect will go away and soon, because I don't know if I can take much more of it.

So, we've eaten a lot of yummy food.  I mean it has been very tasty.  And, we're only a week into it.  I'm hoping I can keep it up for the entire month.  I'm also hoping to see some benefits to this.  I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 3, and I feel very hungry

Tuesday is normally cereal day for my kids, since both kids have to get ready for school and it makes them happy.  But, cereal is not on the fresh March plan, so, we had to improvise.  I made refrigerator oatmeal, and Jeremy and I had hard boiled eggs.  Jade loved the oatmeal.  Maxwell on the other hand wouldn't eat it until I fed it to him.  He wasn't a big fan of the yogurt flavor.

I made granola bars, so I'm prepared for snacks now.

I also made vegetable broth, so I have that ready for future meals.

And, today, I made empanadas for dinner.  Yesterday, I slow roasted a boston butte, so I have lots of pork to make meals with this week.  I started it out with pork and spinach empanadas with a chipolte ayola. It was very yummy.

But, for some reason, I am very hungry. I hope that my body will get used to this and not make me feel so hungry.

Day 2, we're still going

So, day 2 was a bit different.  Eating on the go is very difficult on this plan.

Breakfast was green eggs and ham (in honor of Dr. Suess's birthday).  The green was spinach, of course.

I made homemade mayonnaise, so I could make egg salad on zucchini bread.  It was very yummy and not difficult at all.

I made a Mexican chicken soup in the crock pot for my husband and son, but my daughter and I had to eat in the car.  So, cheese, turkey, cucumbers and strawberries was my dinner.  It wasn't quite filling enough.

Today is day three and I've been prepping all morning.  After grocery shopping, I made empanada dough, vegetable broth, and granola bars.  It's a lot of work so far and hard to find things to snack on, when you can't just reach into a bag and pull out trail mix or a chip. I'm hoping to make some more bars and yummy nut butters.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 1 of fresh March, done

So, we've survived day 1 of fresh March and we're doing okay.

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, and home fried potatoes

Snack: mozzarella cheese and banana

Lunch: roasted chicken, jalapenos and cream cheese with bacon wrapped asparagus

Dinner: Turkey burgers on zucchini bread with kale chips

Yummy so far and not too much extra work yet.  The bread was cooked while preparing lunch.  I still need to make the kids bars and Figure out a cereal replacement for cereal day.  But, it is on!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Prepping for Fresh March

So, we've been eating fairly well for quite a while, but we wanted to do something a little different, a little better.  So, I invented Fresh March.  During the month of March, my family is going to eat only fresh, clean foods.  Nothing processed, nothing boxed, nothing canned, all homemade.

So, here are the rules that we're going to be following.  Everything must be made from fresh ingredients, nothing can be store-bought. Breads, pastas, etc. will be all made in my house.  We will not be making anything with added sugar.  Everything will be made from fresh or frozen vegetables.  Meats will be just meat with no added fillers.  Dairy products will be just that, no added sugars or preservatives.

I am allowing my family 1 weekly dinner out, but it can't be at a dirty chain. It must be at a place that cooks everything in-house.

So, I'm making the kids snacks (granola bars and all).  I'm making the breads for their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (oh and I'm making the peanut butter and the fruit spread too). All ingredients in our dinners will be all "clean".

I'll keep you posted throughout the month.  The key things will be my sanity and how I will be able to do the extra work to keep this up.  The next key will be how we feel.  Does all the extra work make us feel better?  And the final key thing will be how much does this cost?  Is buying and make from scratch cheaper or more expensive?  Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The completely full 5th birthday party

I have never, ever had a party where every person who was invited attends. It's just unheard of.  But, my daughter's 5th birthday party was just that.  Every single person she invited came.

Last year, since we had just moved, we decided to do a "special day" for her instead of a party.  Yes, she loved it, but from the day after that special day, she has been planning her party.  She knew who she wanted to invite and what she wanted to do.  And, so it was.

She invited her entire class, plus 3 friends from her school that are in different classes.  18 kids.  Every single one of them came.

We decided to hold her party at Artworks, a local art studio that she loves to go to open art at.  They let you pick 10 stations to set up for the kids and they get to have fun creating whatever they want.  And, they get to take it home when the party is done.  Fun, huh?!

She wanted white cupcakes with blueberry filling and blue frosting.  So that is what she had.  She loves rainbows, so I made a fruit tray with a fruit from every color of the rainbow (strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, green grapes, blueberries, and purple grapes).  And, we ordered cheese pizza.

She painted a beautiful portrait in the free paint station and she painted a completely black picture.  Then, the opened the play dough room.  She spent the rest of the part rolling out the dough and cutting them into cookie shapes for all her friends.

She had a blast, and I think every one else did too.

The canceled 2nd birthday party

I spent weeks planning for my son's 2nd birthday party. I planned.  I prepared.  I created signs and decorations and all kinds of things.  I spent hours upon hours getting ready, making cupcakes, etc.  Then, the day of the party comes, and it is 33 degrees and raining.  All of our guests, except one, cancel on the drive down, as we pass by closed roads and off-ramps.

We get down to the Children's Museum and ask what we can do to cancel, and they were great.  They offered a full refund. I highly recommend them as a birthday location.

Well, he one guest that didn't cancel was my daughter's friend.  So, we stayed and let them play for a little while.  They are so cute together.  She says he is going to marry her when they get older.

So, no party.  The good news, he's only two, and so he doesn't know any better.  He had fun and got to have a cupcake after lunch, so he is perfectly happy.  He doesn't know what he missed.

So, here are pictures of what I had planned.  It was going to be so cute.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pork leftovers

so, for new years, i made pulled pork and there was tons of leftovers, so This is what I did with leftover pulled pork for a week. (In reverse order)

Pulled pork and baked beans salad

Barbecue pork and spinach flat bread

grilled cheese and pork with raw slaw

Pork tacos

Pork quesadillas

Stuffed sweet potatoes with pork, jicama, peppers, and spinach

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My workout progress

With the new year and everyone talking about making their resolutions to lose weight, I wanted to talk about my progress over the past year.

In April, I joined the YMCA and started consistently working out at least 3 times a week.  It was rough going in the beginning because Maxwell wouldn't let me work out for too long.  But I stuck with it and I am still going to workout every single week, at least 3 times each week.  Here is a picture of what I've gone through.

On 4/11, I was 199 pounds.  My last measurement day on 12/22, I was 185 pounds.  That's 14 pounds in 8 months.  Here is a chart of how my body has changed.


It has been slow going, basically only losing 1 1/2 a month, and I haven't changed clothing size yet. I'm still stuck in size 16, but I the numbers don't lie.  There is progress, even if I don't feel it.  I will keep at it (starting with a boot camp workout tomorrow).

My husband says I don't do a lot.  I'm not truly hardcore with a workout every day.  I do 1 day of just cardio. I do 1 day of body weight training. I do 1 day of a mix of the two.  But, for me, this is what I have time to do (with 2 kids and a household to take care of). I will keep it going.  I am not weak and I will reach my goals!  I hope you will too!